436 Three Legged Flamingos And Pictures With Hobos
/Podcast roll call. Sunshine, yes. Starshine, yes. Kalani, yes. Pumpkin, not present.
Sunshine and the Lady Hobos (listen for those details) are cooped up inside via ZOOM to avoid both a pandemic and 90 plus degree temps. Good thing we always start off with a cool libation. This episode we enjoy Three Legged Flamingo.
Read More356 Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club And Internet Magician Rick Lax
/Step into the Zen Tiki Lounge for some cocktails, conversation and shenanigans. Sunshine and Starshine are sipping on the Poker DICK, our latest cocktail that can be made by just about any bartender at even the seediest of joints. Sunshine is enthralled with Rick Lax the internet magician. And we have some friends at Tiki Bar T-Shirt Club that we want to tell you all about. Plus! music by Les Baxter and Robert Drasnin.
Read More323 An Exotic Sundown With Dirk Yates
/Sunshine is behind the bar shaking up a special cocktail with fresh citrus and a blend of spirits and spices. Without the ladies in the lounge this week our conversation quickly moves from cocktails to music and from music to art. Specifically, the art of Dirk Yates. Dirk currently has a campaign on kickstarter that we have backed and think you will want to get in on as well. Cheers and Mahalo!
Read More117 Skittle Infusions and Sweater Yams
/Aloha Tiki Friends, it's a brand new week in the Zen Tiki Lounge and we are both ready for some unwinding. Our little drinky this week is the Ward Eight. A bourbon style concoction makes a rare appearance in the Lounge. If you only drink foo fu drinks you should still try this one. A classic sour drink. A drink named after an insane asylum is just what Pumpkin needed to get her started on Jesus bashing and old people trashing. Sunshine revisits the nipple problem, just where exactly does that milk come from. We also take another look at the mystery of the snuggie, the worlds best selling infomercial product of all time! Really! And thats just a sample of the great bag of crap in this weeks podcast. Remember to share with a friend....the cocktail too.