483 Was It A Breast Tumor Or An Ankle Injury?
/On this episode of ZTL podcast you will hear Kalani say “Im just one colonoscopy away from being free of these pesky Dr’s visits”. Plus! We are sipping on a ZTL Mai Tai and catching up on the last few weeks of shenanigans. Plenty of listener mail, our own podcast listening recommendations, geriatric intercourse and so much more.
Below our some of the pics from our recent visit to Hula Hula in Torrance, CA. Starshine had been telling us we need to try Hula Hula and we are glad we did. Listen to our review of this fun South Bay tiki bar. Great drinks, atmosphere and that wonderful dim lighting we all want to be surrounded by.
Shag with a Twist opened in Las Vegas back in 2008 and has had limited engagements around the US since then.