291 Put This Exotica In Your Pipe and Smoke It
/All of us here at Zen Tiki Lounge are so beside ourselves that a good number of you wrote us to ask "where have you been and when is the next podcast?" Well here it is. We admit, it has been 6 weeks and that is far too long. Sunshine Tiki is solo in the lounge this week while the ladies are tending to the families. And when Sunshine drinks by himself in the lounge, he plays lots of great music for all of our listeners. But, before you listen to all that music, click this link and fix yourself Jeannie's Wish, or your best approximation with the ingredients you have on hand. With a little work you can get all of the correct ingredients including Sushines Very Spicy Rum and Monin Spice Brown Sugar Syrup. Our drink this week was chosen because listener Grim Tiki asked what we might serve for Turkey Day. A little cranberry juice, some brown sugar and spices...rum of course, and you get a tasty cocktail suitable for your tiki bar or family holiday. On just one of the tangents this week Sunshine goes on about making his Very Spicy Rum which is easy to make, better than any store bought spiced rum and makes a great gift for the holidays or any other time of year.
The bulk of our show is about the music. For all the details on the artists you can both click the below links and listen to the podcast. Playing two tunes from each of three artists, you will get a good feel for how each of these groups sounds. GT Stringer comes to us from Australia, Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica hails from the USA and Left Arm of Buddha via Belgium. Please forget that Sunshine may have said Left Arm of Buddah is from Germany while recording, again, he was drinking. A lot. All of these albums are now stuck on repeat here in the Zen Tiki Lounge. When we get to liking something we stick to it for a while. Most of the music is available for downland and or purchase by using the above links. Get it now!
Other fun things mentioned on this weeks show include but are not limited to: