286 Thar Be A Tiki Bar In My Church
/Aloha and Welcome to the Zen Tiki Lounge. On this weeks show, Sunshine and Starshine sip classic Hemmingway Daiquiris and rattle through a list of mostly tiki subject matter. But for starters, click on that link above and mix yourself Rumdood's version of a daiquiri. Unless your a sober individual. In that case, a jazzed up juice or Pineapple Mint Water should do the trick. While responding to this weeks listener mail we came across a fan who mentioned their love for The Parrot Talks In Chocolate. This book by Everett Peacock is a wonderful beach or pool read and we recommend it highly. Also due to listener feedback, Sunshine gives a few tips on serving drinks for a few dozen of your closest frenemies. Regardless of who imbibes, the drink should be made well.
Other fun things in this weeks podcast include: Californiaflocks.org, which is a site that is keeping track of the flocks of parrots in California. We had no idea that so many different parrots and parakeets have breeding populations here in sunny southern California. While enjoying the wonder of parrots we discuss how much fun it would if churches had open bars and a lounge. Sing us up for that religious institution. Oh yeah, its called a bar. Also, what would it taste like if you poured 24 liquors into one bottle and created a supernatural Halloween punch. We found out. This potion is going to take a little work to ensure it tastes OK for our favorite holiday. Stay tuned to the podcast to find out how we craft a Halloween Punch that uses this toxic sludge as the booze component.
Don't forget to book your room and wristbands for Mod-Palm Springs. The event is October 11-13 and can't get here soon enough. More of a swank shindig vs. a tiki party. Expect lots of great mid century goodness including classy cocktails, hip music and plenty of wares to take home. One of our favorite parts of any weekend hotel event is the room crawl. Get all the info here on TikiCentral.com or on the event page at Facebook. Mod-Palm Springs Room Crawl will take you on a two day tour
Our song for last call this week is Rumberos Jam by none other than Marty Lush and his Latin Livers. Hear them LIVE at Mod-Palm springs.
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Don't forget to stop and enjoy the paintings on the wall.