215 A Tiki Food Truck? Maybe Not, We Discuss

Sunshine has been busy building the new bar for the lounge.  After a lot of sawing, sanding, painting and fixing the ooopsies, we have a new bar.  To christen the newest member of our team we enjoy ample rum and bring all 4 hosts into the Zen Tiki Lounge.  Pumpkin is excited to share some upcoming events such as the food truck fair happening in late June and International nude hiking day, also in June.  Kalani steps up on her soap box to remind us that the Coca Cola company "allegedly" is responsible for murdering pro union forces in third world countries.  Starshine is just along for the ride as usual and keeps the rest of us in check.  We also give a big shout out to the Kapu Tiki Lounge in Milwaukee and throw down the towel for the Tiki Oasis room party awards.  Sunshine is suggesting that the winners of the room parties "allegedly" are ONLY those who have sponsorships with the organizers or pay extra $$$ for hotel suites.   We're just saying.  But perhaps this year will different.  Either way, we are all headed to San Diego for this years Tiki Oasis.  Get those rooms and tickets now and be sure to stop by our super fabulous room party called "El ataque de los flamencos."  And be sure to check out new friends at Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en for great mid century food and drink advice that you won't want to miss.  This vidcast is kooky and fun, Sunshine just can't shut up about it. Hostess Kelly makes you want to host a party pronto.  Be sure to send us your comments to mail@zentikilounge.com, tell a friend about the show and those of you with $ sticking out of your wallet, you can make a generous donation to the podcast and help us keep the show going.  Click the DONATE button above to contribute and Mahalo!