201 Egyptian Unrest Calmed with Mai Tais

Ya know, the world is full of far to many A holes.  We work too many hours.  Everything cost too much.  And we put up with it all so we can sip rum filled drinks on our weekend.  Not so bad.  Sunshine and Starshine are in the lounge this week trying to relax and forget about the ills of the world.  Did someone say Cocktail?  We're having a gret one.  Donga Punch is and oldie but goodie.  Aged rum, grapefruit, lime and cinnamon combine to create a simple but tasty libation.  Exotic music sets the mood and we're off.  On our past episode we gave listeners the opportunity to pre book their hotel room for Tiki Caliente this May 20-22.  Mahalo to those of you who jumped at the chance and we will see you at the event.  Click the link for the official website and all the details on music, artists and shenanigans.  Sunshine tells folks how to re use their tiki mugs with some creative ideas.  A potted plant in what was a mug you never used.  The point is RE USE things.  Don't throw everything way, don't live a disposable life.  We also discuss the unrest in Egypt that is igniting uprisings across the middle east.  What is it all about?  Well, we discuss.  But thank goodness for the cocktails.  Enjoy the show!