178 Is There a Cocktail Mix Good Enough For ZTL?
/(This weeks show is filled with a bit more profanity than usual. The result of bad booze) We are always open to NEW things. Even if the NEW thing is OLD. Listener Hula Harriet asked if we could make a cocktail using a pre bottled mixer. Sunshine is good enough behind the bar to work with pretty much anything, but when you are used to fresh juice and no artificial anything.....a mix just won't due. Kalani and Sunshine dumped the drink and made something fresh. Starting the show with a less than fabulous cocktail may have tainted the entire show, as both hosts ranted about taboo political subjects. Illegal immigrants, Uganda hates gays, and Republicans love Jesus are just some of the less than tiki topics we were forced to discuss after bad liquor. After a more appropriate drink set in we get back into a Tiki Oasis update and tell you how to be on the podcast if attending Tiki O. Sunshine also vents about gifts that aren't worth giving and how consumerism is killing America. Listen, drink, enjoy.