From the People Who Brought You the (Shag Store) and (Tiki Caliente)
They Now Bring You Mod-Palm Springs
Please join us the weekend of October 11th through the 13th, 2013 for MOD, a special weekend in Palm Springs, California, celebrating a serving of all things Mid-Century Modern carefully blended with retro Tiki culture (the Polynesian kind so prevalent in the 50’s & 60’s).
Stay at the beautifully appointed CURVE Hotel (which will serve as ground zero for the event) and revel in an atomic explosion of retro bands, DJ's, MC's as Mid-Century modern & Tiki boutique vendors surround you. Unless, of course, you decide to venture off on an architectural tour or self guided drive past iconic Mid-Century modern dwellings and then rejoin the on-site fun afterward.
Exciting music headliners will be announced shortly on the web site and you'll also be a part of some special events featuring fine artist SHAG (aka Josh Agle). We'll even throw in a vintage fashion show, surprise guests and possibly sprinkle in some intoxicating lectures from Mid-Century experts for you to attend. The weather in Palm Springs around October is amazing, so we wouldn't be shocked if all you did was hang out poolside enjoying the exotic specialty cocktails from our on-site bar.
However you decide to experience the weekend, we're sure you'll be over stimulated and leave this inaugural weekend refreshed and happy to say you were a part of the MOD experience! Remember, the MOD mentality rules!
By joining us for this inaugural MOD weekend you’ll secure your spot for next years' MOD party as priority for future events will be given to our first year attendees. We suggest booking early to avoid missing out on all the fun!